Refusal to close a real estate contract can result in legal consequences for the seller, including breach of contract claims or even lawsuit in extreme cases.

If the closing date provided in the purchase and sale agreement is scheduled to occur within the three-business-day rescission period provided for in this section, the closing date shall be extended until the expiration of the three-business-day rescission period. Sellers should provide any requested documentation to the buyer's lawyer or title company before the scheduled closing date.

Acceptance or recision shall be subject to the same procedures described in RCW 64.06.030. Unless the corrective action is completed by the seller prior to the closing date, the buyer shall have the right to exercise one of the following two options: (a) Approving and accepting the amendment, or (b) rescinding the agreement of purchase and sale of the property within three business days after receiving the amended real property transfer disclosure statement. No amendment shall be required, however, if the seller takes whatever corrective action is necessary so that the accuracy of the disclosure is restored, or the adverse change is corrected, at least three business days prior to the closing date. Preparation of deed Fees associated with the release of existing liens The seller is responsible for paying which of the following expenses at, or prior to closing.ees associated with the release of existing liens Instead of replacing the dishwasher themselves, the seller can offer the buyer which of the following. The escrow process has proceeded smoothly, until one week prior to the scheduled closing date when you receive an e-mail from the Seller, informing you that. (1) If, after the date that a seller of real property completes a real property transfer disclosure statement, the seller learns from a source other than the buyer or others acting on the buyer's behalf such as an inspector of additional information or an adverse change which makes any of the disclosures made inaccurate, the seller shall amend the real property transfer disclosure statement, and deliver the amendment to the buyer.